ISTC Governing Board Funded Over $2 Million in New Projects

Moscow, Russian Federation
14 July 2010

The Governing Board of the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) held its 51st meeting in Moscow, Russian Federation. Representatives of various ISTC Parties attended the meeting, including Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Canada, European Union, Georgia, Japan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Kyrgyz Republic (participated as rotating CIS Board member), Russian Federation, United States of America, Republic of Tajikistan.

In accordance with the decision of the Governing Board 50, the ISTC Working Party on the future of ISTC met in March and May 2010 in Moscow. The content of the interim report and its recommendations were endorsed by the Governing Board. As a next step the Chairman of the Governing Board will submit the enumerated conclusions to the parties. The Governing Board asked the Working Party, together with the Secretariat, to continue its work as soon as possible and to prepare, prior to the next Governing Board meeting, a final report, including proposals for detailed implementation of the conclusions of the interim report, including possible amendment of the 1992 Agreement.

The Governing Board noted the importance to contribute to the policy of innovation in Russia and in the other CIS countries. The ISTC partner and commercialization program have already contributed to these objectives. In addition the Governing Board endorsed a new technologies outreach approach actively promoting the commercialization of new technologies as a result of ISTC funded projects. This concept has been tested on a pilot basis during two technology promoting meetings.

At present six targeted initiatives are under implementation at ISTC: fuel cell, new medicines, probiotics, law enforcement, ultra-high intensity light science and technologies as well as related to the scientific and technological support in the prevention of biological threats. The Board discussed progress on these initiatives.

A number of sustainability plans are under preparation and implementation at various institutes in Russia and in the other countries of the CIS. The Governing Board expressed its satisfaction on the progress made in this work during the last six months and will be informed at the next meeting on further results. The Governing Board approved the sustainability plan at the Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan Armenia.

The Governing Board expressed its gratitude toward the General Assembly of INTAS that has decided to provide a donation to ISTC/STCU. It has decided that two-third of the total funds from Intas for both science centers will be allocated to the ISTC Targeted Initiative on the Prevention of Biological Threats.

The Governing Board approved the final Project Funding Worksheet (FS51). The ISTC approved 7 new projects representing 1,417,040 USD and 640,241 Euro in new funding for activities in Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan.

Per 1 June 2010 from the total currently implemented projects, 69% is being carried out in the Russian Federation and 31% in the other CIS countries and Georgia. Per 1 June 2010 the total committed funds for the ongoing projects are 239.9 million USD of which 117.1 million USD for regular projects and 122.8 million USD for partner projects. During 2009 and 2010 5 months (1st quarter) more than 16 million USD in new partner funding has been received.