Media Coverage 5 June, 2014 - The new future main office of the ISTC was officially opened at Nazarbaev University in Astana, Kazakhstan on 5 June, 2014. The opening took part within the framework of the 59th ISTC Governing Board meeting held in Astana. Official opening of the new ISTC office in Kazakhstan: Ribbon Cutting ceremony of ISTC Office facility Nazarbayev University, Astana from TV-channel---> 16 July 2009 - Nature VOL 460, Arms Pact Could Boost US-Russian Science 18 June 2009 - Launch of ISTC Annual Report 2008
12 January 2009 - Interview with Tatiana Gremyakova, Chief Science Coordinator at ISTC, in the magazine Itogi, about the price of science innovation in a time of economic crisis: Interview with ISTC Principal Executive Director, Sergey Vorobiev Annual Report 2007 Launch