Technology Search

A complete list of ISTC projects can be found here. Different search options are offered to facilitate the result of the searches. Private companies and other organizations can use this database to find technologies for R&D purposes in Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union. There is a summary of each project and further information can be obtained by sending an email to

The Innovative Technologies Database displays summaries of various technologies coming out of R&D projects funded by ISTC. The database provides assessments of the market potential of specific technologies, it identifies products in the market that could benefit from such technologies, describes the level of technical development as well as the intellectual property status. Independent experts prepared the assessments. The database was created for private companies and governmental organizations in order to facilitate their technology searches in Russia and the former Soviet Union.

ISTC receives project proposals for funding from institutes all over Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union members of ISTC. ISTC funds a certain amount of project proposals at every Funding Session of the Governing Board but due to limited financial resources, some promising projects are not selected. All project proposals filed by ISTC are compiled on a database available here. Private companies interested in technologies here listed can contact ISTC for more details: