Statement of the 35th Governing Board

ISTC Headquarters, Moscow, Russian Federation
27 October 2004

The Governing Board of the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) held its 35th meeting at ISTC Headquarters in Moscow. Representatives from 13 ISTC Parties attended with Canada, the European Union, Japan, Russian Federation, United States of America, and Tajikistan represented on the Governing Board. Tajikistan participated as rotating CIS Board member.

The ISTC approved 39 new projects representing over $3.8 million and Euro 4.7 million in new funding for activities in Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyz Republic, and the Republic of Tajikistan. These projects highlight important areas of science and technology research and development: advanced technologies for nuclear power plants; methods for remediation of environmental hazards; disease epidemiology and treatments; geophysical and atmospheric monitoring; plasma display technologies.

The Board announced that 14 Partner projects totaling nearly $6.1 million have been approved since the previous meeting, and noted the expanding participation of Partners in ISTC activities. ISTC Partners are private sector, intergovernmental, governmental, and non-governmental organizations that provide funds to engage CIS scientists in peaceful research projects. Total ISTC project funding in all categories now surpasses US $628 million for nearly 2100 projects.

The Governing Board approved the FY2005 Activity Plan and Budget Request, including a new program on Technology Promotion. Also approved by the Governing Board was a reorganization of the ISTC Secretariat, to accommodate a new department "Global Security and Strategic Planning," to be headed by a Deputy Executive Director from Canada.

The Board approved principles allowing for joint projects between the ISTC and its sister organization, the Science and Technology Center of Ukraine. In addition, the Board instructed the ISTC Secretariat to continue development of a new Targeted Initiative proposal on Law Enforcement Technology in cooperation with participating Russian Federation ministries.

The Governing Board agreed to convene its next Plenary Session meeting in Almaty, Kazakhstan on 11 April 2004.

List of projects approved for funding by ISTC Governing Board at the 35th Funding Session.
Download 35GBM-projects.pdf