
A major priority in Norway’s cooperation with Russia is nuclear safety and security. Norway has been involved in cooperation with Russia in the area of nuclear safety and security since the early 1990s. The cooperation was structured in an Action Plan established in 1995. Norway has contributed approximately € 160 million to various projects under the Action Plan since 1995.

Norway is a partner in the G8 Global Partnership against the Proliferation of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction, based on the Kananaskis declaration in 2002. Norway’s project engagements under the Action Plan are direct contributions to the goals of the Global Partnership, which addresses priority areas like the dismantlement of decommissioned nuclear submarines, the disposition of fissile materials, the employment of former weapons scientists and the destruction of chemical weapons.

One of our key priorities has been decommissioning of old Russian nuclear-powered submarines. The decommissioning of 5 submarines has been financed by the Government of Norway to date.

Norway has also contributed to the safety upgrades of Russian nuclear power plants (NPP) located in North-West Russia. Norway has supplied Kola and Leningrad NPPs with safety equipment (e.g. fire alarms, emergency generators, etc) that were installed andare serviced by Russian specialists working at the power stations.Cooperation is ongoing in a range of relevant areas at the power plants.

Under the umbrella of G8 Global Partnership program Norway contributes together with other donor countries significant financial resources to improve security of radiation-hazardous facilities in the Andreyev Bay, located inNorth-West Russia. Thefacilities built in 1960s were used by the Russian navy as storage for SNF and RW obtained from Russian nuclear submarines.Currently the goal is to safely retrieve all SNF and RW located at the facilities.This is a long term effort,partly financed by the government of Norway and partly from other western donor countries. Russia uses large resourcesto improve the conditions.

Norway’s support to ISTC is in line with its participation in the Global Partnership program. ISTC achieves its non-proliferation mission through employment and redirection of former weapons scientists and the promotion of enhanced international scientific cooperation. A range of Norwegian institutions have contributed to projects and cooperation over the years.

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Contact information of Norwegian Party to ISTC

Mr. Ingar Amundsen
Head of section for international nuclear safety at the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority